Build YOUR Life Operating System (BYLOS)

BYLOS is the instantiation of my Life Operating System (FAKRA VACAR) using It is a work-in-progress describing FAKRA VACAR , discussing the concepts, the tool Obsidian and provides an example of the pairing.

Why I am publishing this

I was introduced to the contemporary thinkers in the areas of productivity, knowledge management and principled living after I started trying to implement P.A.R.A. using Evernote during the summer of 2021 and switched to during the fall of 2021 as an Evernote replacement. I say "contemporary" because have some history with these topics, so P.A.R.A. resonated with me for information storage and retrieval. It did not address task/todo management or Knowledge Synthesis so I struggled for a few months until Tiago Forte's conference on Building a Second Brain Summit in March 2022. August Bradley and Nick Milo started my recognition that could actually provide bridges between these critical areas.

As I started on this phase of my journey and realized that much of what I was doing was in flux (but gelling if not setting yet). I wanted to capture the process of development (for me) and provide an example of customizing these ideas (for you).

I decided it is ok to try things that end up not being in the final cut and to even share the efforts in public
I plan on explaining what I'm doing or have done, some of what I'm thinking and the inspiration for my thinking.

Please reach out to me with comments and ideas at I will be setting up a discussion forum somewhere and will provide a link when it is available.

As this is a work in progress, I find that I am adding/changing things sometimes before I capture them here. It makes for a slippery slope but might provide some insight to others (and keep me focused).

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This is an example:
Generated by:

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