Philosophical Basis for My LifeOS (Productivity-PKM -Principled Living)

As there are really three areas we are addressing, let us separate them as we can to keep them functionally independent but informationally connected.

Anything you do should have a connection to your foundational principles (why?). This means, if you are planning on doing nothing it should be in service of your life goals (maybe self-rejuvenation). This indicates that all activities somehow relate your areas of focus. This may cause some reflection on your areas of focus and the need to allow yourself some leeway in maturing from where you are now to where you really want to be. It may also be that your LifeOS focuses more on the productivity side than the Life or PKM parts, in which case your focus areas will be more educational , vocational or maintenance oriented. BYLOS is here to help with the way you want to manage.

Each area of Focus will have its own projects, tasks and resources. This makes sense, since you actually know when you are creating a task, why you are creating the task. It also makes archiving a Project simple.

So we have areas of Focus and Activities coupled. That leaves us with PKM.

PKM is a separate activity but can be exercised in specific support of projects or generally in support of an area of Focus. As you are spending your most important resource (time) in the knowledge activity it does imply that there should be a correlation to your areas of most likely through a Project, Sphere or Interest. Sprouts in the Knowledge Garden should reference Concepts and Context so the can be considered in relation to Focus or Activity.